const initialization

Initialization of const objects can be delayed using ternary operator or IILE:

std::vector<byte> dumpedGamePak /* = ... */;
const std::size_t CGB_support_code = 0x0143;

enum class console : uint8 { dmg, cgb_compatible, cgb_only };

const console m_type = dumpedGamePak[CGB_support_code] == 0xC0 ? console::cgb_only :
dumpedGamePak[CGB_support_code] == 0x80 ? console::cgb_compatible :

Ternary operator trick is available since C89. A more relaxed approach is using IILE:

Stmt Parser::forStatement() {
consume(TokenKind::LeftParen, "Expect '(' after 'for'.");

const Stmt initializer = [&]() -> Stmt {
if (match(TokenKind::Semicolon))
return boost::blank{};

if (match(TokenKind::Var))
return variableDeclaration();

return expressionStatement();

// ...